LANAP/Laser Gum Surgery
LANAP: The Minimally Invasive Laser Gum Disease Treatment
Gum Disease better known as Periodontal disease is increasingly affecting a large portion of the population annually. However, thanks to advancements to major advancements within dentistry major advancements have emerged for gum disease treatment. One of these advancements has led to the Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure also known as LANAP. This procedure allows gum…
Read MoreJust How Are Lasers Used in Dentistry
As kids, our only encounter of lasers in science fiction movies was seeing uses as weapons. They’ve always had practical application in our lives, though; we never knew that. Today, for a number of different tasks and functions, we depend on lasers. Advances in the medical and dental sciences have even allowed them to be…
Read MoreWhat is LANAP?
If you suffer from gum disease, then there are a variety of potential treatments available to you. It’s a good idea to be aware of all your potential options, including LANAP. Here’s a quick introduction to this revolutionary technique. LANAP and Traditional Techniques “LANAP” is an acronym for “Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure”. In order…
Read MoreLANAP Treats Gum Disease Before It Worsens
When gum disease starts, it is known as gingivitis. The condition begins when bacteria, plaque, and food debris aren’t removed from those hard to reach places that the toothbrush doesn’t hit. At first, you may just notice that your gums are tender, red, or bleed a little after brushing. When left untreated, the reversible gingivitis…
Read More3 Risks of Living With Gum Disease
It is difficult to manage gum disease without treatment. Mild gingivitis will quickly escalate into periodontitis where teeth will become loose and eventually fall out. That is why you need to seek out LANAP right away. This is an FDA-cleared procedure that eliminates the harmful bacteria and reduces your risk of the following complications. More Severe…
Read MoreLANAP® for the New Year
Some people decide to work out more or eat more healthy foods in the New Year. Others want to travel more or write more. Unfortunately, not many people consider their oral health when making New Year’s resolutions, but many should. If you want a healthier smile this year, the LANAP procedure treats gum disease. What…
Read MoreMaintain Healthy Gums in Support of Stroke Awareness Month
Gums and the heart work side by side to keep your body healthy. With May being Stroke Awareness Month, it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect on what you can do to keep your gums in good shape. After all, your heart depends on it. The Facts about Gum Disease There are three levels of gum…
Read MoreThe Surprising Connection Between LANAP® and American Heart Month
As President Barack Obama declared in 2015, February is American Heart Month. This campaign is designed to help educate people about ways to keep one of their most important organs healthy—and it’s also a great time to learn about the potential connections between periodontitis, laser dentistry, and heart disease. Correlation and Causation Traditionally, people tend…
Read MoreBeginners Guide: The Signs & Symptoms of Gum Disease
While there are several issues associated with oral health, gum disease is one of the most subtle. This often results in individuals not knowing they even have gum disease until it has reached an advanced state. Dr. Andrez R. Sanchez is a periodontist who specializes in treating gum disease in Minneapolis, MN. Before treating patients,…
Read MoreHow to Rock National Gum Care Month in Style
You might not place National Gum Care Month among other holidays like your birthday in terms of celebrations, but it’s an important occasion to observe nonetheless. Periodontal disease affects nearly half of Americans over 30 and nearly two thirds of people who are older than 65. What about gum disease in Eden Prairie, MN? There…
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